Many of us, if not most, have had good experiences with dogs in our lives. I do have a couple friends or more who seem to have no affection for dogs; some prefer cats or simply see dogs as too much work or responsibility. But they are in the minority. That’s how important dogs are…
Year: 2021
Getting the “Jab”
Yesterday my wife and I got our vaccine shots. The local medical authorities have been dispensing the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, and we went for ours at the regional hospital. I must say that it was extremely well organized, efficient, and a most cordial experience for us. Our second shot is scheduled for February 12th. Ten…
Postpartum Blues
Four long years of turmoil, the fight to right the ship and now this. The news is not good. Forget a honeymoon for the new administration, the carping and obstruction has not missed a beat. It seems to be business as usual. As I read this morning’s Wall Street Journal, I became increasingly depressed. I…
Sadness and Joy
As I watched the outgoing president board Marine One to leave the White House, I experienced conflicting feelings about the day. I was, of course, happy knowing that there would soon be a new president in place who promises peace and honesty. But mostly, my feelings were of sadness. Today I can only feel sadness…
Meeting the Challenges & Restoring the Promise
Almost all incoming presidencies face serious issues when taking office. Joe Biden’s seem especially daunting. He faces a severe economic recession and the continuing threat of the coronavirus pandemic playing out against the still unfolding political debacle left over from the previous administration. Add an impeachment trial that is arguably warranted but no one really…
Apples and Oranges
Peggy Noonan’s article, “Liz Cheney Shows What Real Leadership Looks Like,” in this morning’s Wall Street Journal has pleased the Democrats and provoked a minor firestorm by conservatives. A letter to the editor, for example, accused her of “joining the media mob” while giving a pass to the Black Lives Matter riots this past summer. …
Barking at the Moon
My naivete knows no limits apparently. Each day I read The Wall Street Journal, paying special attention to the front page and the opinion and editorial pages. Each day I take note of the headlines and lead stories. I read the letters to the editor to take the pulse of readers for possible changes in…
It’s All the Democrats’ Fault
I wasn’t going to write anything today about politics because of how fast things are changing. Indeed, the situation continues to be so volatile that we really don’t know with any certainty what is going to happen. This is new ground on which we have not tread before. As the news continues to break this…
All Shook Up!
A couple years ago, more or less, I had dinner with a good friend who welcomed that Trump was shaking things up. In his view, there was something rotten with the two major parties, especially the Democrats whose angst and “squealing” delighted him. While he did not vote for either Trump or Clinton back in…